środa, 5 października 2016

Business letters, part.I - Sales and trade

Describing our product/offer

Dear Sirs,
We think you will be interested in our leather handbags which are offered at various prices and in a variety of colours. The high quality of our product is well known and universally acknowledged. We are certain that a trial order would convince you that, at the prices quoted, the goods we are offering are excellent value for money.
From all list prices we allow a trade discount of 30% and a further special discount of 5% on all orders received on or before 31st May. Under pressure of rising costs we shall not find it possible to extend these favourable terms beyond that date, so why not take advantage of them now and send us an immediate order.
We are offering you goods of very high quality on unusually generous terms and would welcome the opportunity to serve you.
Yours faithfully,

An offer to a former customer

Dear Sirs,
Looking through our records we note with regret that we have not had the pleasure of an order from you since last December. We hope you had no cause to be dissatisfied either with our goods or with the way in which we have handled your orders.
We think you might be interested to know that we have recently been appointed sole agents for the sale of printers of six of the leading manufacturers and that our stocks now include a wide range of first-class machines at very attractive prices. From the catalogue enclosed you will see that the prices of these portables are much lower than those for standard models and that we are offering very generous terms of payment.
We look forward to the pleasure of doing business with you again.
Yours faithfully,


Dear Sir,
we have pleasure in inviting you to the 25th International Fair in Poznań, open from 9th to 16th June. Our goods will be exhibited in Pavilion No.1 and we shall be glad to welcome you there.
Invitation cards can be obtained at the Polish Commercial Counsellor's Office at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in your country. Please present this invitation to the Polish Consulate when applying for an entry visa.
We look forward to meeting you in Poznań.
Your faithfully,

Refusal to pay a visit

Dear Mr Novak,
Thank you for your invitation. I regret very much but my official duties have made me change my plans for the near future and I find it impossible to leave England in the first half of 2017.
I ask you to accept my apologies and please believe me that I am very anxious  to visit you at the first possible opportunity.
Yours sincerely,

Letter of enquiry

Dear Sirs,
We have had some enquiries from our customers about your waterproof raincoats and their quality.
If the quality and price is satisfactory there are prospects of good sales. Nevertheless, before placing a firm order I should be glad if you could send me, on two months' approval, a selection of men's and woman's waterproof raincoats.
Any of the items unsold at the end of the period would be returned at my expense.
Your faithfully,

Reply to enquiries

Dear Sir,
We thank you for your enquiry of 5th June, and we have pleasure in submitting herewith two copies of our Export Price List together with some publicity material.
Our usual discount 5% but if an order is exceptionally large we are prepared to increase the discount.
All items on our range are carried in stock, enabling us to effect despatch od orders within 10 to 14 days of receipt of the order. We hope that our products will meet your approval and we will have the pleasure of receiving your order.
Yours faithfully,

Reply to enquiries - refusal

Dear Sirs,
We thank you for your enquiry of October 10, but we regret we do not manufacture the type of equipment you require.
However, we would like to draw your attention to some of our other lines which may be of interest to you (see enclosed leaflet).
Your faithfully,

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