środa, 7 marca 2018

Two inspiring young men

He is only 14 years old and he is already helping many children. Mihai Enache is in the 8th grade and he has been teaching IT and programming to other children.

Mihai is studying at the primary school but at the same time, he is teaching IT at the Step IT Academy which is a private school that focuses on IT.
In an interview with digi24, Mihai said that he loves it when he sees that children understand what he teaches and as well, they managed to practice what he teaches. He noted that he has learned how to teach, how to explain things to other people and as well how to be patient.
But how did Mihai learn IT? It is incredible, but Mihai learned programming by himself watching youtube videos. He also knows C++ and HTML and he is able to speak English fluently. Not only he teaches IT but he also model making and 3D printing. This year he created his first game which was uploaded to a US platform and it has already been downloaded 220,000 times.
In the future Mihai wants to study at the Tudor Vianu IT National College in Bucharest.
Source: http://positivenewsromania.com/2017/12/23/meet-mihai-enache-youngest-teacher-romania/

More and more children are starting to volunteer and they are learning the benefits of volunteering. Tudor Vartic is one boy who found satisfaction in helping children, for example. He is only 14 years old but he is helping students with different school subjects, such as Maths, Romanian and English language. For three hours every Saturday he helps children from families with financial difficulties at the Educational Centre Save the Children Romania in Bucharest.
Since he started volunteering two years ago Tudor has helped 10 children to improve their school grades. Tudor is currently studying at the London Theoretical Highschool in Voluntari. Tudor said that when he volunteers he feels really good. He believes volunteering helps him develop his teaching skills and now he wants to become a professor when he’ll grow up.
His mother as well is volunteering with teaching children from primary schools, while Tudor is helping older children ( classes 5-8). Unfortunately, some of the children from the center do not even attend school because they cannot afford it. Although he is not a qualified teacher, Tudor manages to help children with his own knowledge and when he cannot answer questions he goes home and researchers on the subject.
Tudor is hoping to continue his studies in IT and then to become a teacher when he will grow up. Marcel Bartic, the director of the London Theoretical high school says that Romanian schools do not care much about volunteering but they care more about competitions, Olympiads, and grades. He says that these are great things to focus on, however, these things do not help with education. Volunteering would help the educational system because students would develop in a better way.
Source: http://positivenewsromania.com/2017/12/23/14-year-old-volunteer-boy-teaches-children-poor-families/

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