środa, 13 czerwca 2018

Business/formal letters 2

Congratulations letter

Dear Trade Partners, 
Congratulations on another successful year of beverage alcohol sales in Ontario and thank you for your partnership. With the goal in mind of continuing to meet the LCBO’s sales objectives and strategic initiatives, we have prepared the 2015/16 sales targets for products sold in our stores. 
To ensure your product remains in good standing at the LCBO, we continue to require that your product(s) meet or exceed these targets. Attached are the sales targets by product grouping. As in previous years, sales targets are designed to protect 90-95% of the net sales and are based on Rolling 13 Periods of net sales dollars or litres for beers. The criteria used to determine sales targets remain unchanged from last year for Spirits, Beer, VQA Ontario wines and New World wines. 
Please note the changes/updates in the following categories: Changes to International Canadian Blends (ICB) Targets Due to the large-format size dominance within this category and to more accurately reflect actual sales within the various size formats, ICB sales targets have been updated. Targets for each size format -- 750mL, 1000-1500mL, and 3-4000mL – are now specified. Changes to European wines price bands from 2014/15 Category management changed the price banding used to create 2014/15 sales targets and for that reason the targets from last year are not included on this year document as they are no longer comparable.

We look forward to working with you in 2015/16 to offer our customers a world-class assortment that delivers great sales results. Questions should be directed to the applicable Category Manager. 

Best regards,
Thomas Watson

Source: http://www.doingbusinesswithlcbo.com/tro/Forms-Documents/LettersToTheTrade/Downloads/Letter%20to%20Trade-%20Sales%20Targets%202015-2016%20LCBO%20Wines%20Spirits%20Beer.pdf

Termination letter

Dear Ms. Cohen,
Please accept this letter as my formal resignation from my position as Veterinary Technician with New Parkland Veterinary Clinic. I will be leaving my position due to personal reasons, and my last day of work will be in two weeks, September 29, 2014. While I do regret any inconvenience my resignation will cause for you and my co-workers, these personal reasons are beyond my control and must be attended to immediately. I will do all I can to ensure that my leaving is as smooth a transition as possible.
Over the next two weeks, I will work to ensure that all of my paperwork and duties are made to be current. I’m happy to assist in the training of my replacement if that is possible within this two weeks’ time frame. Please feel free to contact my by phone at (123) 456-7890 or by email at Janelle@Peterson.com should you have any questions. I will do my best to help you.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here at New Parkland Veterinary Clinic, and I will remember the patients and colleagues fondly. I wish you all well and thank you for your consideration.
Janelle Peterson
Source: https://www.livecareer.com/letters/resignation/resignation-letter-due-to-personal-reasons

Business Contract Termination Letter Sample

Dear Mr. Temple,
As per the conditions of our business contract, please allow this letter to serve as a termination of the contract on October 1, 2014. I think that you will find that this 30-day notice satisfies the legal constraints of the agreement and allows us to severe this contract without any further need for legal action.
I wanted you to know that we greatly appreciate your dedicated service for these past few years and harbor no ill feelings at all about Home Supplies. Our business was recently purchased by a larger contracting firm and we will be getting our supplies through that firm’s vendors. I attempted to salvage the relationship with Home Supplies, but it was not possible.
Please note that all outstanding orders should still be fulfilled as per individual order instructions. All outstanding invoices will be satisfied by September 15, 2014, but we will not be generating any new purchase orders for your company going forward.
If you have any questions or need any further information about our discontinuation of services, you can contact me at 555-354-5432 or email me at fashton@email.com.
Sincerely Yours,
Felix C. Ashton
Source: https://www.livecareer.com/letters/termination/business-contract-termination-letter

Apology Letter to Principal Sample

Dear Mr. Shannon,
I am writing to you today to apologize for my poor behavior at school yesterday afternoon. I made some very poor choices and you had to take time out of your day to take care of the situation. I understand that you are very busy and that you have better things to do than discipline kids who just want to get into trouble. I am very sorry for the poor choices that I made.
In the future I promise to make better choices. I know that staying out of trouble not only benefits all the teachers who don’t have to take the time to deal with the situation but that it also benefits me as well. School is for learning and when I mess around I miss out on important educational opportunities. From now on I will be a great student. I will study hard and stay out of trouble. You can count on me.
Thank you for your time and please accept my apology.
Shawn McConnell
Source: https://www.livecareer.com/letters/apology/apology-letter-to-principal

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