poniedziałek, 2 marca 2020

World of Tanks

World of Tanks is a multiplayer online game developed by a Belarusian company called Wargaming that features 20th century combat vehicles.

The game is free-to-play but participants also have an opportunity to pay a fee and use premium features.

World of Tanks has been ported to multiple game consoles: PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 or Xbox One.

The player takes control of a single armored vehicle of their choice and is placed into a battle on a random map. The player may also communicate with allied players through chat. A match is won either by destroying all vehicles of the opposing team or capturing the opposing team's base.

The vehicles  are modelled to closely resemble their counterparts in real life. The game includes over 400 armored vehicles from Great Britain, China, France, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Italy, Japan, Sweden, the United States and the Soviet Union.

Creators got the idea of World of Tanks in 2008. The game was officially released in 2009. It quickly became very popular all over the world. In 2013 the revenue of World of Tanks surpassed $372 milion and ranking fourth highest among online game revenues.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_of_Tanks  (simplified)

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