poniedziałek, 29 sierpnia 2016

Job uniform

Job uniform

Thomas, PE teacher: It may sound silly but a gym suit is my job uniform. It is because I'm a PE teacher. I really like wearing gym suit because it is the most comfortable piece of clothing you can think of. I can't imagine myself ironing the shirts every day. To be dressed elegantly isn't my style at all. Last time I had a suit on was my wedding day 4 years ago.

Emma, personal consultant: I work in a telecommunication company. We all need to follow business casual dress code. It means you don't have to wear very formal clothes but, on the other hand, you cannot wear whatever you like as well. I have no problem with it but some of my colleagues complain that they can't put sandals or flip flops on. Our boss used to say:”Our office is not a beach”.

Fiona, works at the bank: All people in our team have to be dressed in a very formal way. Our bank has a very strict dress code which means that I have to wear black suit+black trousers (or skirt) and a white shirt. Any sign of extravagancy is not allowed. Generally speaking, my job uniform is boring.

Linda, stewardess: I love my uniform. Since I was a little girl, I was dreaming about working as a stewardess. In my opinion it is a prestigious and responsible job. Not for everyone. Stewardess' uniform is a symbol of success to me. Besides, it's beautiful, eye-catching and very womanly.

Bart, student:
I am still studying but I found a temporary job to repair my budget. What I need to do is to stay in front o a toy shop in Winnie the Pooh costume and encourage people to come inside the shop. The costume is heavy and when it is hot, I'm all wet from sweat. It is irritating. I hope that I will find a better job in the future.

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