poniedziałek, 29 sierpnia 2016

Slums tourism

 Slums tourism, also known as ghetto tourism, is becoming more and more popular. This type of tourism focuses on visiting very poor areas.
Tourists visit places where people suffer from poverty, lack of job, high level of crime and often lack of basic services like electricity or running water.
Slums in Brazil started to be a holiday destination for visitors, mainly from the United States. Rich or average Americans come to see how people living in the ghetto manage to survive.
The guides are usually local people who tell stories about shootings, gang wars, assaults etc.
Tourists listen with astonishment and leave a nice tip.
This type of tourism is often criticised and called immoral but it brings some small profit to people who live in those poverty zones.

What is your opinion about slums tourism?
Would you decide to go for such a trip?
Why do people decide to visit ghettos?
Can such a trip teach something?

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