poniedziałek, 29 sierpnia 2016

My employment story

I graduated from the university. I was studying political science and my specialty was communication in business. I liked my studies but after finishing them I realised that there aren't many job offers related with my industry.
I was jobless for almost 10 months. It started to be unbearable: I had to live by my parents and constantly ask them for money.
Finally I found a job offer posted by an insurance company. They needed a customer advisor and the company didn't have very high requirements. I sent them my CV; they called me after a week.
I was invited to a job interview. I had no experience in that field but thanks to my enthusiasm and self-esteem I got that job. I was working hard so after a year I got promoted. I was offered a post at lower management. I was satisfied with my salary but I didn't really like my job. It was very monotonous. My main duty was to prepare reports and writing e-mails to our potential customers. I started to think about changing my workplace.
I was considering what I should do next. An acquaintance suggested me to start my own business. The only problem was that I had no idea of what services or products I could offer to people.
I spent hours on talking about my future business with my girlfriend. She told me that there's a demand for a fitness and beauty care studio in our small town. Unfortunately, there wasn't any. Obviously, it was too expensive to start such a business from scratch. I had no money which I could invest and I was too afraid of taking a bank loan. What would I do if my studio will not be successful?
My older brother asked me: „Why don't you work as a coach for various companies? At least, you will have a chance to use your knowledge that you gained during studies.“
I think he was right. It seemed really interesting to advise people how to communicate effectively, how to be persuasive or how to avoid manipulation.
I started to be self-employed. At the beginning I didn't have many requests for preparing a training, discussion or a course but later more and more companies were contacting me. I'm really glad that I decided to do something on my own. Now I can make use of my creativity.

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